Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Autumn? Yes please

Yesterday we got our first rain of this upcoming fall/winter season...and it was wonderful!
The air is starting to feel crisp and clean, breezy... and I love how you can just...feel it when autumn begins. Well I can feel it at least, and it makes me think of all the wonderful things that are coming in the next few months. I was telling DH (dear husband) yesterday that I have come to the conclusion that Fall is my favorite of the four seasons.

Things to look forward to this Fall season:
- Finding a cute costume for Zoe's first Halloween
- Beanies and scarves
- Cozy nights with the hubby and a good movie (B-rated cheezy zombie flicks please!)
- Scotland
- Thanksgiving in Sicily
- Dressing to the nines and going on a date to..the opera
- Zoe meeting her family when we go home for Christmas

So many things...did i say I love Fall? DH can't get enough of me saying it so I will vent my love for the upcoming autumnal equinox here.

Here are some things I am doing now...
Listening to: The Civil Wars
Watching: The Vampire Diaries
Reading: Water for Elephants
Wanting: I wish...


  1. What a very precious photo !

    Welcome to Bloggland and have a great day!

  2. this is a great to read, you're writing is lovely and I laughed at the the reference for DH...great picture!!
    Life is awesome for all of you and I'm so grateful beyond words...

  3. Hello! I am visiting from Lap Dog Knits. My oldest daughter's name is Zoe too! Welcome to blogging!

  4. I LOVE the photo of DH & have a great eye with the camera...don't let DH take all the lime light!!

  5. (((Hello))) Welcome to blogville, i am so happy you guys are here! Love this picture, hope it finds a space on your wall. Looks like you guys are settled in nicely over there. I am looking forward to seeing your advenutures and kyle is right you have a great eye for the camera.
    take care


Lovely for you to stop by... :)