Friday, April 13, 2012

Enzyme-Rich Primal Energy Bars

Hello, I want to share this delicious treat recipe that I got off my 'Paleo Caveman Diet Recipes' iPhone app! This is a great way to curb your cravings and hunger pangs.  I have a HUGE sweet tooth...which means that I am always needing to satiate that little fat kid in the back of my mind that says " you NEED chocolate NOW!!!"  ( I am currently punching that little guy in the face a billion times a day).
I am discovering there are so many natural and healthy ways to eat that fulfill my sweet tooth! Even though its healthy, doesn't mean that you can eat 6 of these a day.  Everything in moderation my friends, as I am always telling myself.  I just ate one as a mid-afternoon snack and as a creature of habit I want to go and reach for another, maybe 2 more! Ugh.  (punching little fat kid again.) I'll go munch on some baby carrots.  I hope you enjoy friends, let me know if you try it and how much you love it!! :)

Primal Energy bars

1C dried pitted dates
1C dried fruit mixture of choice (I used a mix of blueberries, cranberries, cherries)
pinch sea-salt
1 1/3 C Nuts ( I used Almonds and Macadamia)
up to 1/3 cup of add ins. (unsweetened shredded coconut, seeds,choco shavings, etc.) I added a little bit of dark chocolate shavings
additional tbsp of water (if needed)

Process dates, dried fruit, and sea salt in food processor until all chopped up.  It will be like a thick paste, and it will kind of roll up into a ball.  Remove from processor into bowl.

Process nuts (and seeds or coconut if using) until a coarse meal consistency.  Break up the dried fruit paste into chunks and add back into food processor with the nut mixture.

Add choco shavings and process to incorporate all ingredients together.

Press the mixture with your finger to see if it holds together.  If not, add tbsp of water and process again and keep trying until you achieve this.

Now press the mixture into an 8"square baking dish/pan.  Refrigerate for 15-30 mins until sufficiently hardened so you may slice into bars with a knife. (wetting the knife a bit may help for smoother cutting)

Voila! and there you go.
I will probably add a little bit more nuts the next time I make it just to add a little more crunch.

Also, I am always trying to get more information about the primal lifestyle, so I'm as educated as possible for myself, and to share with others so its not blind leading the blind. I wanted to share this little bit of information I got from in an email this morning.  *(Side note: In no way am I trying to imply that you MUST eat primal and that all other ways of eating/dieting are bad or wrong. I am just sharing with you my paleo journey, what I discover and new recipes I learn in the process.)

To me, success in anything worth acheving  in life is greatly helped with a simple concept called KISS. It stands for "Keep it simple stupid". The concept is especially helpful when it comes to diet and lifestyle changes.

Applying the KISS concept to diet changes means focusing on the most important aspects and not worrying too much about the details.

The most important aspects of a healthy Paleo diet is most certainly avoiding the most toxic food choices. Kurt Harris, a popular and respected Paleo blogger, calls those toxic foods NAD (Neolithic agents of disease). The most important ones are grains & legumes, fructose and polyunsaturated fats (vegetable seed oils).

* Grains and legumes contain toxic and inflammatory proteins that wreak havoc in our system.

Fructose can only be metabolized by the liver and strongly reacts with proteins to create destructive AGEs (Advanced glycation end-products).

Polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) are necessary in small amounts, but are also highly reactive and contribute to many chronic health problems when consumed in excess. Most vegetable seed oils are also very high in omega-6 PUFA and low in omega-3 PUFA, while the two should ideally be consumed in almost equal amount.

To keep it simple and ensure the greatest health benefits, cutting out the grains & legumes, extra sugar (fructose) and vegetable oils are the most important things to do. Those steps alone are often enough and should produce close to 80% of the positive results that are to be expected on a perfect diet.
Start thinking about the details and the tweaks only when you are already comfortable with not eating those foods and it should greatly help reach your goals and stick to the plan.
Have a great and healthy day,

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