Friday, July 13, 2012


Its been awhile since I've posted...

Maybe its because DH and are getting pretty burnt out over here in Sicily.

I am so VERY happy to say that our adventure here will be coming to an end very soon, as in September soon, and continuing back at home in Southern California.

What is in store for us when we go back?

Well, first off, we will be staying at DH's parents in Fullerton until we find our own little place.

Although I would not mind at all living there forever,  I am sure it would start feeling a little crowded after a while.  You will have to peel my body off the couch.

I am looking forward to ...

-home cooked meals,
-mexican food..margaritas...
-bike rides to Downtown Farmers Market with Zoe strapped on (not me, probably my MIL or is a challenge for me to ride a bike without falling at least once.),
-date nights out with my love while Zoe catches up on Grandma and Grandpa time,
-weekend trips out to Havasu, wading in the cool lake under the hot sun,
-Target! You don't know how much I miss Target...last Christmas when we were home I literally stood in the middle of the store looking around...completely overwhelmed...and in awe...of yes. Target.
-going to the beach to watch DH and Uncle Jerry surf...this is half enjoyable and half panic-attack inducing...I fear a shark is always lurking....
-seeing Zoe play and interact with family and friends...
- AND>>>Finally... for the past few months or more, DH and I have been working on a huge project that we are almost ready to unleash to the world...we have an AMAZING team back at home that has been working with us, helping us to make this happen....right now it is on the tip of my tongue and I want to share SO badly but...I don't want to jump the gun and ruin the surprise. very soon...I'm trying to think of a hint I can give that won't give it away, but there really is nothing I can say or show that won't give it away totally.  But, we are both very proud of it and are anxious to see it begin and grow...

In about a month and a half to 2 months time it will be ready to share with the world!!

Are you excited??




    And I'm so happy for you that you're coming back soon!

  2. yayaay.....happy and excited...very good things!!

  3. target will be an easy peasy walk or drive each and every day of the week - funny the things we take for granted until they're gone...I've never thought twice about Target

    the surprise...amazing...I've had a peek...I can't say how in awe I am of what you've done from so far away.

    The mexican food, margaritas, in & out burgers, pizza (yes, pizza in the US is better than sicily..sorry any sicilians out there)it will be a foodfest the first seven days you're home..then back to getting into the normal groove of being home again. Zoe...what will your reaction be to Target?

  4. YES! I am so excited to hear! and excited that you guys will be making your way back towards home soon! I bet Zoe will love Target just as much as the rest of us girls! I always laugh because Ava even begs Steve to go to Target now, hehe! ♥


Lovely for you to stop by... :)