Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Woe is me.


Hair woes.

I always have them.

Actually, the only time I can remember being happy with my hair is when i was pregnant, it was long and thick and healthy.  Then I went and jacked it up.  I got a bad coloring job, so I had to chop it off shoulder good friend Dora is a stylist, and she cut it super cute when we were home last year but then recently about a month ago I decided to give it a little trim again, and it was back to shoulder length.  But the barber shop on base is not exactly salon quality...I felt like an unloved barbie doll whose 3 year old owner took some shears to...just not pretty. I should just listen to Eric...he tells me to just leave it...but you girls know how it is, you get that itch to do something to your hair thats make you feel a little prettier or just for some change.

Its not that I have super thick hair, I just have A LOT.  Like...enough hair for 2 people. Maybe 3. This is not an exaggeration.  So its kind of hard when I wake up in the morning, and have a super puffy fro-head, and don't have time to straighten it so all I can do is pull it up in a bun.

Me every morning. minus the gray. A little less frizz. For reals.

So now, we are going to be home in 2 weeks and one of the things I NEED to do is some hair therapy.  I've been debating if I should just wait a few more months for all the layers to grow out...and deal with the fro...and then go somewhere I trust to get just a TRIM and let it continue to grow out. 


Just cut it ALL OFF and start fresh.  

I know, I've said before...I swore to never ever cut my hair shorter than shoulder length ever again. But browsing through pictures on the interwebs is kind of making me wonder if I can pull of a short pixie cut.  I did it once in 8th grade, it wasn't exactly how i wanted it to be. (no I didn't want to look like a mushroom, thank you.) I wish I had a picture....but now that I'm older and can find somewhere/someone who is tried and true professional pixie hair cutter certified...maybe it will be better the second time around. What do you guys think? It's pretty daring...and if it turns out bad, would actually be more suprising if it turned out exactly how I wanted it.  Yet, I still yearn to chop of these hairs that cause me so much UGH.  Here are some hairstyles I really like.  

What do you guys think??

Ya. I just might go and pull a Miley Cyrus. 


  1. I say cut it ( I WISH I could do it for you!-I love cutting pixies)and invest in some amazing styling product. I would live through you and your short hair. :)

  2. Do it! Not Miley though. I like the top one, is that Ashley post face work?

  3. the first and second are Ashley, post face work. I think she has never looked better, the pixie cut suits her so well!!


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