Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day every day.

So, this year we get an extra only happens every 4 years and supposedly you have to do something crazy, or something out of the ordinary because technically it doesn't count. (According to 30 Rock. teehee.) Well guess what I did...something totally not crazy and extremely ordinary.  I hung out with my husband and daughter and we just...did, well. We did everyday normal things.  But you know what, they make me feel extraordinary every day...all the time.  So it's leap day every day for this lil missy!(me.) Happy Leap Day to all, and to all a good night!

Fireplace Ledge.

So cute I could eat them.

Z in her space.

DH in his space.

Nom Nom.

Seashells? No. Pasta shells.

My little Rosemary plant. (hi!)

She bounces away as I cook.

Stuffed the shells with some ground beef and spices and threw some tomato sauce on top and then a lot of cheese and then bake and then voila. Yum. DH approves. End.


  1. this is so the pictures.
    love the border you put around the photos.
    the coke bottle? what's the green stuff inside?
    I remember when the photo was taken in the tub?
    I need to send Zoe her purple plastic spoon to hold while you two cook together.
    the recipe sounds great - that PASTA. huge just like the vegetables over there.
    the dish you served it special.
    those dishes have a story all their own..
    fun that you use them - keeps us all together.
    Love the rosemary plant - any other herbs?
    DH in his space? shopping for another lens?
    Happy Leap I'm supposed to do something exciting? still a few hours left...hum...won't count? hum....
    what to do,,,what to do???? I have an idea.
    Love to ALL....Have a great March 1st.

  2. Hi, great post! Sorry I haven't stopped by in a while. Love to see the photos, and looks like little Z is getting more and more active every day! Hugs to you guys.

  3. Love all your photos! & Look at all those adorable shoes! Zoe is a lucky little girl :)


Lovely for you to stop by... :)