Friday, August 17, 2012

Fudgie Wudgie was NOT a pudgie.

If you don't already know this about me...

I have an EXTREME sweet tooth.

Like, its really bad.  I have dreams of eating decadent chocolate souffles and creamy ice creams dripping with fudge...I wake up in a cold sweat, thinking I need to run to the bathroom and gag myself...but then i realize it is only a dream, and that I didn't just botch up months of hard work of eating clean...and then fall back asleep and dream some more of deadly sweet treats.

I probably am having these dreams because I am constantly craving these things, and stressing myself out so that I don't eat them...don't get me wrong, I am totally for a 'treat' day every once in a while...but I'm not going to make a habit of it.

DH doesn't really understand this, he is unnaturally controlled about food and rarely craves yummies and sweets... so there is no one I can vent to about wanting to sink my teeth into a gooey chocolate bar. He'll say "its just chocolate,'ll live..."

O really?!?!? JUST CHOCOLATE, is it???!?!!? (eye twitch)

Anyways. I sound like a freak now.

Moving on to the main reason for this post.  I found this recipe in many places on the interwebs.

I never made it because it requires unsweetened coconut flakes and there are only the sweetened ones on base...

however today during my walk into town to the local grocery story I found some unsweetened flakes!! YAY!!  Unsweetened coconut flakes are a staple for many primal 'dessert' recipes.

This is a simple little recipe for some yummy fudge-ey type brownie ball bites.  Make sure when you make these you bring them to a party, or have others around that can eat them up and not just you....because it is REALLY hard to not eat 10 in one sitting.  They are that good. ( I didn't eat 10. I ate 4. maybe 5.  Now they are hidden somewhere.) That's the only thing with Paleo desserts, my mind tells me they are healthy and it is ok to eat 10 in one sitting, as opposed to eating a tiny slice of cheesecake and moving on and never looking's all about self control people, even with the healthy treats!

I know these were a success because DH said, "what are these? these are healthy? they are good!" Unfortunately, the one I handed him happened to be the ONE that had a date seed in it, and he bit right into it and almost broke his tooth.  Why, universe? Why.

Anyways, these are healthy in the respect that there are all natural and contain no processed ingredients. Not healthy in the respect that you can't and shouldn't eat them for every meal of the day. I have already thought about this.

Ok folks, here is the recipe! I hope you try this. You won't regret it.

Fudgie Wudgies

1 1/3 cup PITTED dates
4 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
tsp vanilla
1/2-1 cup pecans
coconut flakes for topping

combine the dates, cocoa powder, and vanilla in food processor and blend until gooey.  This might turn into one huge ball, so break it up before you add the pecans so it may blend easier.  Once you add the pecans to the date mixture, blend until the pecans are chopped up tiny and incorporated into the dates.

Next, roll into little balls, however big or small you want them. They look cuter when they're smaller and bite sized.  I like little tiny things.  Put coconut flakes on a plate and roll them around so they get covered all the way.  Put them in the fridge for an hour or two and then enjoy!!


Head on over to and enter the awesome giveaway she is hosting for the new ergo baby Bundle of Joy carrier!!!


  1. Oh my gosh these look soo good!! Thanks for sharing the recipe :)

  2. Oh girl I need to try these! They look so good---and sound super easy to make! What a great recipe


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