Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Paleo Summer Smootie

G'day all! So, I have a sweet smoothie recipe that is so good for the summer! I could seriously drink this for every meal and it is so healthy and delicious.  Zoe and DH love this too! You can make this in a blender or food processor...I broke our blender a while ago (eek) because I forgot to plug it into the adaptor, and by the time smoke started coming out and it started to spark it was too late..woops..I had fried the poor thing! Luckily food processors work just as good for this.  There are many variations to this too, depending on what fruits you like you can alternate and change it up a bit.

Recipe: (Measurements aren't exact, I just kind of eyeball it)
(this makes about 2 adult servings.)

-1 banana
-2 handfuls spinach (or kale, or both)
-2 cups frozen fruit (strawberries, blueberries, peaches, etc)
-2 tbsp ground flaxseed
-2 tbsp raw honey
-1-2 tbsp raw almond butter
-1 1/2 cup almond milk or coconut milk or both (sometimes I need more or less depending on how you want the consistency to be)
blend away, and enjoy this deliciousness on a hot summer day or on any day for that matter.  I hope you try this out! Let me know if you do :)


  1. these look beautiful...how many calories in them???
    should be fairly guilt free, right??? Breakfast, lunch and dinner?

  2. I make almost the same smoothy over here, the only differnce is i dont use almond butter and add whatever veggies i can grab outside, right now i love throwing in chard since i have it coming out of my ears but love love love spinach and kale...delish.

  3. not sure how many calories...but all the ingredients are clean and natural, so every calorie is a good one in this smoothie!! @ Jen- I am going to try different green veggies to throw in when I go to the veggie stand in town...I will have to see if they have chard! I will have to google translate it though...I wonder what it is in italian.... :O)

  4. @ blue eyed night owl: this is so delish! sometimes i omit the almond butter though, and put less flax...this has been my breakfast the past two weeks. I am addicted!

  5. love smooties, i'll try it of course
    want to follow each other?


  6. These are one of my favorite treats!!! I've never added honey or almond butter though.


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