Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Vent.

Its starting to get really warm and humid at night.
I can't sleep at ALL if I'm hot.
Back in the day when DH and I lived in the Mojave Desert, we didn't have air conditioning for about a week and we pretty much lived in a sauna...i slept in the nude and had a water spray bottle next to me and was continually spraying myself down. I felt like a beached whale. True story...

Anyways, so the past couple nights I've been opening our window when we go to bed.  Its just in-between to where the air-conditioning isn't really needed and an open window will suffice...

Well. Not so much.  Apparently,  theres a dog out there...somwhere...that knows exactly when we are going to bed and as soon as I lay my head starts barking.  not just like...woof here, woof WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOOOOOFFFF BARK BARK ASFJASKLFJ;LJ!!

Each bark is very forced and distinct and angry...and O my gosh...once that dog starts, I hear another and then another and within the minute there are like a gazillion dogs barking!! howling!! everything!!

These are the thoughts that go through my head:

1.  If I ever meet the owner of this dog..........I would commit them to a mental asylum, because HOW on EARTH can they put up with that!?!?!?

2.  I think...I am going to just go out on the balcony and yell really loud.. but I don't think that would be representing America well to the neighbors...

3. And then I think well, maybe its a stray dog, there are a whole bunch on this mountain.  There is also an abandoned house that we drive by sometimes that is overrun by dogs, you can just see them lounging on the balcony and yard and least 30 dogs.  Maybe its the Dog Mafia.

4.  By this point I'm past the point of sanity, but a little less mad cuz now I'm sad thinking about this dog that is now possibly a stray, alone and angry and barking because he is just so hungry and just wants some love...and i'm also now psychotically counting each bark, and each follow up bark from another dog, and the seconds between each bark.. (never more than 3 seconds. Kill me now!!!!)

I look over to DH and he is passed out snoring...I am a light sleeper and he is a heavy sleeper...I feel like bonking him over the head.  Which is pretty unfair but it irritates me seeing him sleep like a baby while I'm on the brink of insanity...

I finally get up and close the window.  LE SIGH.

Back to being hot and stuffy.....

A few hours later, I feel like its safe to try again, so I open the window.  Few minutes go by...

And then...


I think I shall turn the air conditioner on.


  1. This cracks me up....why???
    Because the first night and every night after when we were visiting you I heard dogs barking..and I thought to myself
    "I flew half way around the world and it sounds like I'm still in my own neighborhood...bark bark yip yip"
    and I kept thinking "I feel like I'm in the Disney movie "101 Dalmations" and I'm listening to the barking chain"

    just keep your fingers crossed Klaus and Margo don't join in...

  2. I had the same problem in Sicily. And sadly the doggie culprits were not strays. Their owners simply ignored them. I always wondered, "how the heck can you ignore that at 11pm?!" If my dog is barking I usually go out to find out why he is barking and to remedy the situation so others aren't bothered. I guess Sicilians don't think the same way. Hopefully you get some sleep soon.

  3. I know how you feel about those warm nights because i feel the same every night here in Greece:)Great blog.Follow you!I hope you follow me back if you like my blog:)Much love

  4. Indian summers are all round the year! i know how you feel :)
    would love to follow each other.

  5. I understand you darling, I hate heat in the night time...

  6. I find your blog absolutly awesome, I follow you now. :)


Lovely for you to stop by... :)