Tuesday, June 12, 2012


-I love everything and all things mini....in its uber-mini-ness i get the urge to want to smash it...in a nice way. (does that make sense...)

I can't...even....

SO cute...ugh...must..smash...(nicely of course)

- I am always fidgeting.  always. 

- I have social anxiety disorder. (self diagnosed, of course) 

- I am insecure

- But also I would say confident at times

- I am a sucker for infomercials.  They suck me in...I am that person that says, "ya!  I need that! right? I need that, right....DH seriously needs to hide the credit card because my life would feel incomplete unless I bought...decorative vegetables. Yep!

Yep, definitely need that!

- Love scary movies, especially B zombie flicks.   

I am! (no, i'm not, please don't eat me)

- My #1 on my bucket list would be to swim in the wild with a pod of Killer whales.  I have dreams of this.  I sing to them and they understand my language and they let me join their pack.  (really) I would probably get eaten, which would be an ok way for me to leave this earth...to be eaten by your favorite animal? Not bad I say! 

Take me to your leader! or just let me ride you? please? can i hug you?

- I have an oral fixation obession...I like to watch people eat... like a lot...especially in movies when they make it seem extra juicy or crunchy.  I used to watch this show 'Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern' and it was about the places he traveled in the world and the weird things they eat..and he would eat like...coagulated cows blood and I would think...yummy that looks soooo good! But it was just because the way he was eating it....I was convinced it HAD to be good. 

What is that?! ew!! can I try?
-I had the same recurring nightmare as a child, for like...5 years.  This would lead me to have to sleep with the nightlight on and not able to sleep in any other position but on my back with the blankets up to right under my chin until I was 18.   

- Ive never broken a bone or been stung by a bee

- My mom is Korean and my Dad is Italian

- However I did not inherit awesome math skills and I am a horrible driver (according to DH...I think I'm pretty good...)

- I'm afraid of sharks in the swimming pool.  I guess its called selachaphobia.  

I can't even look at this picture. "My Orca family will kill you I say!!! stay away!!!"

- I'm still in unbelief that I am a mother to a little person who is now 13 months old. When does it hit you? When they turn 18 and move out? It is just unreal. 

- I am super moody.  but so is DH. so. that works out, right? haha. ( I love you!)

- The end.


  1. all interesting stuff....didn't know any of that...
    except DH is moody...THAT I did know!

    the shark in the pool...I can't look at it..my worst fear EVER

    I seriously want that little pig...

  2. I was wondering your cultural background. Your so beautiful and interesting. Seriously, we should breed Koreans and Italians! Anywho, what cultural background is your hubbers? So that would make your munchkin?

  3. aww shucks, thanks miss :)
    His dad is Spanish and his mom is German/Irish...so that would make zoe Korean, Italian,( my dad is actually half italian/English) English, Spanish, Irish, german...she is a mutt. a cute mutt! :)

  4. I loved this! I want to smash or bite or punch all cute things as well. You're so cool.

  5. a slight correction...DH's mom...
    she's irish, dutch, norwiegian, french...no german.

    so she really is a mutt...but a super cute mutt

  6. @Topsy: yes! someone understands me...I fee like Lennie from 'Of Mice and Men' when he pets the puppy to hard and accidentally kills it.
    @ Lap: Yes...DH corrected me, after i put german i also was thinking..hm that doesn't sound right! I should check my sources first...:)

  7. Interesting post!!! take a look on my blog and if you like we can follow each other?
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥


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