Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Wet, Hot Sicilian Summer

Weekly ritual.

Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay.

Mix equal parts clay and apple cider vinegar, few drops of tea tree oil...BAM! Best mask ever.

As it is hardening on your face it starts pulsating, like you can literally feel it pulling out all the impurities.  After about 30 mins it actually is a little painful, cuz it makes your skin so tight and the clay is hardened...but it is a good pain.  Once you rinse it off it feels like you just peeled off the top layer of your skin! Yay!!

As we were letting our masks set in we started watching 'Wet Hot American Summer'.

Note to self: do not watch funny movies while doing mask, as it is extremely painful to laugh or smile or move any facial muscles whatsoever...the fact that we couldn't laugh was making it even more funny, which led to more 'not' laughing...you get the picture. We promptly washed our faces off so we could laugh freely and painlessly!! Until next week. When we do masks again...and then try to make each other 'not' laugh... have a great week!!!! Stay cool!! Drink water!! :)


  1. so cute...where does one find this magic mask???
    I hope we don't all have to fly to Sicily to get it...
    if so, could you put a lifetime supply in the suitcase when you come home?

  2. Awesome, where'd you get your clay? My mom started brushing her teeth with clay and I tried it, it's actually pretty cool.

  3. you're in luck ladies, i got it on amazon. I think they sell it in the states too at beauty supply stores, i'll have to check when we are back in Cali!!

  4. Oooo I need to try this! Off to look for clay on amazon ;) ♥


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